Tabuik Festival

>> Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

Tue, 20 Jan 2009 - Thu, 22 Jan 2009
Tabuik Festival

Tabuik is a statue of bouraq, or a steed with broad wings and a human head, with the head of a smiling girls, wings and broad tales. On the back are coffins covered by beautiful decorated umbrella.

Tabuik carried by 20 men from the city to the beach, accompanied by kettledrums in a spirit of rhythm. People shouted Angkat Husein (Lift Husein) the carnaval to keep the spirit a live.

A tabuik is not just a decorative statue. A rite must be performed when it is made. There are seven processes involved in the making of a tabuik, starting from Muharram 1st up to 10th.
On Muharram 1st, which marks the first process in the making of a tabuik, mud is collected from the river and wrapped in a white cloth, is placed into an earthenware pot and the pot is kept in a lalaga, a place measuring three meters by three meters fenced all around with parupuk-small bamboo pieces.

Location: Pariaman, West Sumatera

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