Galungan Holy Day in Bali

>> Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

The Galungan Holy Day in Bali is one of the most important and revered of the Bali Events and Festivals. Of the many Annual Celebrations of Bali, the Galungan Holy Day in Bali has a special place in the hearts and minds of the people, as it is an event where the Balinese honor their ancestors and pray for their departed souls. Held once in every 210 days, one Balinese Year, the Galungan Holy Day in Bali is the day when the ancestors descend into the family temples, and are feted.

The Bali Events and Festivals in the month of November are ruled by the great importance laid on the Galungan Holy Day in Bali, which is seen as the day when Dharma or Justice has a victory over Adharma or Evil. During this time, the entire island is decorated colorfully and there are numerous festivities held. Every Balinese tries to make it a point to return to his native homeland during the Galungan Holy Day in Bali to attend the celebrations.

According to the Bali Travel Guide, the Galungan Holy Day in Bali is of three types, Galungan (Ordinary Galungan), Galungan Nadi (Grand Galungan), and Galungan Nara Mangsa (Forbidden Galungan). The Ordinary Galungan is celebrated every 210 days on Wednesday. The Galungan Nadi is celebrated when the Galungan coincides with the Full Moon, and is a much bigger celebration. The Galungan Nara Mangsa is celebrated when the Galungan coincides with the New Moon, and at this time, there is no celebration or offering.

One of the most important celebrations of Bali, the Galungan Holy Day in Bali is important for the Hindu people, and is spread over a three-day period, when a series of symbolic rituals and ceremonies are conducted, and great offerings made. It is thought that during the Galungan Holy Day in Bali, the Gods and deified ancestors descend upon earth for a period of 10 days, and that they must be pampered and given great attention and respect.

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